Saturday, January 28, 2012


As of FEB. 23, 2012

NOTE: Please visit this site often especially a day before the class for any changes in the venue, etc...

VENUE will be at: Soliman Corporation Center
2182 Don Chino Roces Ave. (fromerly Pasong Tamo), Makati
Ask lobby receptionist which room and floor
Landmark, BPI Bank at ground floor
Near Makati Cinema Square
Park on the available slots along the road

Prepared Childbirth Class
PCC # 209
March 2012

DATE: March 4, 11, 18, 25 (4 Sundays)
TIME: 2-5pm

VENUE: (No longer at this venue) Santuario de San Antonio
Function Room, Mckinley Rd., Forbes Park, Makati
Soliman Corporation Center
2182 Don Chino Roces Ave. (fromerly Pasong Tamo), Makati
Ask lobby receptionist which room and floor
Near Makati Cinema Square, park on the available slots along the road

BRING: Exercise mat or towel, 2 bed pillows, ball point, paper for taking down notes, snacks & drinks

WEAR: Casual comfy clothes, pants, leggings or shorts. We will be seating on the floor.

REGISTRATION IS A MUST! Text or Email, complete information so we could inform you of any changes.
"YES2BIRTH/ Month you will join/ Names/ OB/ Hosp./EDD/ Mobile/ Landline Home & Office/ Email/ How did you 1st learn about Chiqui Brosas/ Facebook email/

GLOBE: Olive +63917-4770628, cc Chiqui 0917-88BIRTH (24784)

One on One Private Birth Class also available for one whole day or two half days in your home


Article: How blue can postpartum get?

20100605for Junior Magazine

By Chiqui Brosas-Hahn*

Many women get some kind of depression after birth, usually observed on the third day. It comes in different degrees. Many husbands are confused and don’t understand what is happening to their wives. The women themselves feel strongly about certain issues and get overly emotional without realizing that they are having the baby blues. Symptoms are crying, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, confusion, exhaustion, over sleeping, not caring for the baby or too much of it and feelings of guilt. This is sometimes brought about by a discontented experience in labor, birth or hospital stay or some trauma.  Added here is the stress of having a new born baby who is completely dependent on her. She tries to adjust to her new role as mother and nurturer. The many changes in her life and a lack of sleep and support make it more difficult for her to adjust. This could be partly hormonal and is to be expected. However, a few mothers go into postpartum depression characterized by the same symptoms but more exaggerated and getting worst. Some have repulsive thoughts about their baby that come and go. If these symptoms get worst and is accompanied by hallucinations and confusion, this could be a serious case of postpartum psychosis.
We now know that there are three predisposing factors that trigger postpartum depression. They are:
1.Relationship Factors
2.Biological Factors
3.Psychological Factors
So, if the woman’s family has a history of depression and or she has a history of anxiety and panic attacks, she may be prone to it.  Other risks would be marital problems or being a single parent. A woman who thinks she could do it all and has the super woman syndrome. On the other hand it could also happen to a woman who is not confident in taking care of her baby. Other causes of postpartum depression could be if the baby has some kind of disability or health problem, or it could be a hormonal problem like a thyroid imbalance.
Seek help when her condition seems to worsen and continues for more than two weeks. When no one is able to help her any more with what she’s feeling and it’s over whelming. Ask for help when life is beginning to be more difficult than normal.
It would be best for the mother to be able to talk to someone about how she feels. She should get as much support as she can after birth. While the mother baby’s her baby, somebody ought to be “babying” the mother. She should try to get as much rest and sleep. When the baby sleeps, sleep! She needs to be able to drink and eat a well balanced diet. For the first two weeks she should only take care of herself and her baby until she is able to adjust to her new role. So for the husbands, do not be overly demanding and learn to do some house hold chores. If you want something done, do it. Help out in the house until your wife is able to adjust to her new role. Find a helper, it could be her mother or sister or even her best friend. Hire a maid to look after her. Continuously encourage her, praise her for the work she is doing. Tell her how proud of you of her for taking such good care of your baby. Be a support to her during this difficult time. You can put the baby to sleep, burp the baby or change his diapers to allow the mother more sleep. After all, a happy wife makes a happy husband.

*Chiqui Brosas-Hahn is a USA Trained Childbirth Educator having attended several ICEA (International Childbirth Education Association) conventions in the USA . She also finished a full course of the Bradley Method as an instructor. She has been teaching childbirth classes for at least eighteen years. Chiqui’s Prepared Childbirth Classes (PCC) is all year round. Visit:

Article: Coping with PUPPP and other skin conditions

for Junior Magazine
By. Chiqui Brosas-Hahn*
“I was seven (going eight) months pregnant then. It started with a few itchy wheals on my abdomen. The next thing I know, my body was covered with rashes- from my arms, torso down to my legs. The itch was driving me crazy. The hives was so widespread I would often refuse to go out for fear of people’s reproachful eyes.”- Mommy March
This was how my student in the Bradley method child birth approach recollected her harrowing experience while being pregnant with her first and only son.  Both her OB GYNE and dermatologist were not sure as to what exactly her skin condition was and as to what caused it – one posits that it is an allergy caused by some unknown allergen from the environment or from food that she has eaten and the other simply said that it might be PruriticUrticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy also known as PUPPP with its cause not being definitively known yet.
March is just one of those “lucky” mothers who suffered from a serious skin problem while being pregnant. If you consider dark spots or Chloasma as terrible, or stretch marks, spider and varicose veins as eye sores, by all means count your blessings as some women like March would opt to swap positions with you anytime in a heartbeat.
PUPPP is one of the worst skin conditions a woman can suffer while pregnant. This occurs in 1 out of every 200 pregnancies. The itchy raised bumps usually start at the abdomen which can then spread to the arms, chest, back, legs and feet. This usually occurs in the last trimester of gestation. Although harmless to both the mother and the baby, this can be a cause of concern when the mother gets inadequate sleep (due to itching) which can lead to her losing weight. The rash, however, disappears on its own after a few days from delivery.
 Prurigo of Pregnancy
Also a harmless skin condition that appears as many tiny bumps that look like bug bites. It can be found in all areas of the body. This can appear as early as the first trimester but usually common during the second trimester. This is less common than PUPPP as this can happen only to 1 out of 300 pregnancies.
 Pemphigoid Gestationis
This is the rarest among the severe skin condition a pregnant woman can suffer from as this occurs in 1 out of 7,000 to 50,000 pregnancies. Initially, the itchy patches look like hives but then develop into lesions. The rash usually starts in the belly button and then spreads to the limbs. This condition usually starts in the third trimester and may cause preterm delivery and fetal growth problems. 5% of the babies delivered by mothers suffering from this will also have some noticeable rash when born.
Cholestasis of Pregnancy
This condition can affect 1 out of 50 pregnancies. The main symptom is the intense itching on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet which can spread to the trunk of the body. This usually starts during the third trimester and is caused by some liver impairment. Having this condition will require immediate medical attention as it can cause preterm delivery and other serious problems including fetal demise.
Except the last skin condition, all of the above skin irritations are treatable by anti-itch creams like Benadryl and Calamine lotions.
When asked how she dealt with her own battle of skin problem, March answered that she followed a proactive approach – which means she did not heavily rely on anti-itch creams nor dared try any cortisones or steroids, instead she closely monitored her weight gain and of course the foods she ate. She bought a notebook and pasted a pregnancy weight gain chart on it. She made sure that her weight gain is within the range considering her pre-pregnancy weight. Likewise, she jotted down all the food she ate daily and made sure she ate the prescribed combination of go, grow, and glow foods (fruits, cereals, vegetables, dairies/cereals and meats). She instructed her maid not to put any spices or seasonings, except salt, on her food. (Yes she ate just bland foods for at least 2 months.) Her snacks are mainly fruits or “kakanin.” She stayed away from processed foods and sweets especially chocolates as she realized that eating the latter intensifies the itching afterwards. She also made sure she had sufficient vitamin C intake. When faced with intense itching, she would soak herself in a bathtub for at least 15-30mins with ½ cup of apple cider vinegar combined in the warm water. This relieves the itching and allows her to sleep soundly for at least 2 hours.
 It was a hell of a battle, but with good diet, insurmountable effort of concentration, undying support from her husband and yes after having cried a river especially during the intense bouts of itching, she made it through. She is now a mother to a cute and healthy 6 months old baby boy and she has likewise successfully hurdled the 2008 bar exams despite being pregnant and overly distracted by intense itching during her bar review.
Similar to what she had done, a holistic approach to pregnancy as espoused by the Bradley Method of Child birth is very important. This is because excellent nutrition is always the foundation to a healthy pregnancy and labor. This allows the pregnant mother to embrace her situation and to make sure that she ingests no harmful food that can affect the development of her unborn child. This is a form of early training for the mother and the father in the birthing process and for them to realize that the birth of a child does not entirely start during labor but at the onset of fertilization.
If by any chance you are suffering from any of the above skin conditions while pregnant, seek medical attention promptly. Also, eat healthy and be healthy. Happy birthing!
*Chiqui Brosas-Hahn is a USA Trained Childbirth Educator having attended several ICEA (International Childbirth Education Association) conventions in the USA . She also finished a full course of the Bradley Method as an instructor. She has been teaching childbirth classes for at least eighteen years.  To know more about the Chiqui’s Prepared Childbirth Classes (PCC),

Monday, January 9, 2012

Prepared ChildBirth Class # 208 January 2012 One Day Crush Course Jan. 21!

As of Jan. 13, 2012


NOTE: Visit a day before the class for any changes like in the venue, time or date

Prepared Childbirth Class 
PCC # 208 January 2012

One whole day crush course
Lunch Potluck 

Date: January 21, 2012 Saturday
Time: 9am-6pm
Venue: Robinson Circle Subdivision along H. P. Javier St., 338 Dona Feliza Condo., Unit 325, Pasig
Bring: yoga mat, 2 bed pillows (we will be seating on the floor), ball point, paper for taking down notes,  food to share for lunch, your own drinks, camera if you want to take still shots. video not allowed.
What to wear: casual, comfy clothes, pants, shorts, leggings, exercise outfit, slippers, sandals...

How to pre-register!

Text or Email, complete information so we could inform you of any changes.

"YES2BIRTH/ Month you will join/ Names/ OB/ Hosp./EDD/ Mobile/ Landline Home & Office/ Email/ How did you 1st learn about Chiqui Brosas/ Facebook email/

GLOBE: Olive +63917-4770628, cc 0917-88BIRTH (24784)

One on One Private Birth Class also available for one whole day or two half days in your home


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Wedding Video Prescilla & John Estrada by Nice Print

Private Birth Class # 207

Sorry Priscilla didn't want me to post our photos during the class. John was ok with it but Pri's a very private person. It's a pity, they're nice photos.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Birth Story: by Kat Hizon-Aligora

  • December 31, 2011
    Kat Hizon-Aligora
    • sure you may use the photos...

      i was in early labor at 2:30am of dec 21. we went to the hospital at 3:30am coz the interval was about 2-5min already. Although the pain was bearable and I could still smile, we just wanted to make sure. We were sent home to wait for the labor to progress as I was only at 2cm. My husband knew that it wasn't time yet as he remembered the pointers that was taught in the class. At 4pm the pain was getting unbearable so I told my husband that I think we needed to go to the hospital. We reached makati med at 6pm of the same day. It took me an hour to get to the car as the labor was painful already plus another hour traffic. This time I didn't have time to fix my hair and couldn't smile at all. When the OB checked i was already in transition phase (7-8cm). The doctor gave me epidural right away and after a few minutes the pain was all gone and it felt good hehe.  At 7:47pm I delivered our son, Mateo Andres, at normal birth.

      We stayed in a birthing suite which Dr. Henson also prefers since my husband will be with me. She didn't require shaving so the itch of growing hair wasn't a problem. She said there is no relation to infections naman daw. So good! She let my husband do the counting when I was pushing for the baby to come out and the cutting of the ambilical cord.

      The birth class definitely helped. I was even referring to the manual as refreshers when I was having early labor. The class gave us a good conditioning on what we should do and prepared us for the birth itself. The breathing got me thru labor, my husband's involvement in the whole process (i.e. couching me on the breathing, giving me massages) was priceless and the pushing exercise we did surely helped me get thru the delivery.

      The OB said in my next pregnancy remind her not to send me home even if I'm 2cm pa lng coz it'll be faster the next time around.

      Oh, I am purely breastfeeding now. Very tiring. It's really a commitment but fullfilling at the same time knowing my baby will get the best nutrition. The plus side is I've almost lost the tummy of pregnancy (2-3 inches to go) and 20 pounds of my preggy weight in 10 days. Galing how God designed our bodies in relation to our babies - both benefits.

Baby Photos: Diana How-Ong's Twins

  • December 5, 2011
    Diana How-Ong
    • Hi chiqui! Yes you may post them in your site. So far surviving breastfeeding and pumping. Pumping around 55 oz per day and latching twins when i get home from work at night. I will tell Jerbie to get in touch when he thinks about getting insurance na for twins. Thanks!

  • December 5, 2011
    Diana How-Ong

    • Hi chiqui! Yes you may post them in your site. So far surviving breastfeeding and pumping. Pumping around 55 oz per day and latching twins when i get home from work at night. I will tell Jerbie to get in touch when he thinks about getting insurance na for twins. Thanks!