Sunday, February 19, 2012

Shopping for E-book: The Greatest Pregnancy Ever: Keys to the MotherBaby Bond

Editor: Kristen Bason
Forword: Robin Grille

I heard good reviews about this book. Excited to read a copy. It's available electronically on your e-book reader if you're interested to get one. It was rated five star in its customer review.

Includes free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

Editorial Reviews 

Product Description

Once in a great while a book comes along that impacts the lives of families forever. You will never view pregnancy and motherhood the same way again.
Has anyone ever told you that you can get to know your baby and bond with her before she is even born?

Are you looking for ways to address the physical challenges in pregnancy that don’t require prescriptions?

Are you aware that starting in pregnancy you can help your baby develop positive relationships with the important people in your life?

Do you know that your baby’s personality is shaped by your emotions, stress levels, and environment during pregnancy?

Finally, here is a book written by real pregnancy experts that provides keys to unlocking the secrets of having the greatest pregnancy ever! Offering insights and tips for addressing fears and anxieties, managing stress, and increasing comfort during pregnancy, this book offers way of life that will transform you, your baby, and ultimately the world you live in. This book offers real-life solutions to the emotional and physical issues pregnant women face.
The Greatest Pregnancy Ever shares little known facts that can change the entire experience of pregnancy and parenting for families. For example:

• Unmanaged stress in pregnancy can lead to a baby who cries more, sleeps less, and is anxious.
• A mother’s thoughts and feelings create chemical signals that literally form her baby’s brain and develop into emotional intelligence.
• Only during pregnancy and the first few years of a child’s life can parents truly influence who their child will become, both emotionally and physically.

All moms want to do whatever they can to positively impact the development of their child. They want to have the greatest pregnancy ever, and luckily it is possible with the information and practices in this book.

The book is organized into four parts:
B.O.N.D. - Keys to Bonding
• B-Be-ing
• O-Observing
• N-Nourishing
• D-Deciding

The keys relate to the concept of being able to B.O.N.D. This connection is imperative to the baby, the mother, and the partner for overall health and wellness. Many parents find with their busy, overscheduled, and stressful lives that seeking connection is just one more item on their to-do list. The Greatest Pregnancy Ever solves this dilemma by providing very simple tools, techniques, and tips for parents to use. They not only make connection possible, but ease stress and improve parents’ daily lives and their relationships. Start today by embracing motherhood in an entirely new way—start by having the greatest pregnancy ever!

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