Saturday, October 8, 2011

Birth Story: Psyching Myself Up

        • 100811

          Hi Ms. Chiqui!!!!!

          Sorry I think I overlooked your friend request in my page. I suddenly delivered na our baby last wed!!!! we were only at the doctor's for a check up when they said I was 2cm dilated already so they put me under the monitor for 1.5 hr and said I had been contracting every 2min already...and I didn't feel the contractions at all! Grabe we weren't ready--no hospital bag, camera etc...but good timing that my mom was with us coz she wanted us to meet the cordlife sales rep! (so the guy made an instant sale that day haha). Mom did na the errands with driver. The baby hadn't turned so they did a CS. Felt bad coz I was expecting normal and psyching myself up with all that we had learned in birthing class! Still here in MMC though. Im impressed about how this hospital is supportive about breastfeeding. And so Im happy now that Im getting a hang of it and our baby girl is latching better na :-D Still quite traumatized with the pain/after effects of CS but happy to hold our baby girl :-) thanks so much for everything Ms. Chiqui!!!

          God Bless you always!


          • about an hour ago
            Aristotle Macam
            • hi ms. chiqui! thank you very much! yes, she had a cs because our baby was breech and we didn't know that she was 2cm and contracting already on the day of our regular check up! ana was not feeling anything! but ana's very okay now. she can walk. our little girl anya is okay. slightly underweight by 0.1kg but our pedia advised us to mix breastmilk and formula so she can catch up on the weight. everything else is good. of course we are honored to announce it on your site! :)

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